Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Our 1st Lady, a Shinning Representative for American Woman

Our 1st Lady Michelle Obama is an intelligent, elegant, wife, mother, career woman, and daughter that represents America well. No matter what your political affiliation, it's hard to argue against the facts, even though some people try. They refuse to focus on the fact that Mrs. Obama has an ivy league education, was a successful lawyer, and is now an advocate for girls and women all over the world, along with military families. I've heard one critic say that focusing on military families was not an important enough platform for a 1st lady! Our military give their lives for this country. What could be more important than that? They should have muted his mic right then.

Despite all the things to Mrs. Obama's credit, she puts being a wife and mother as her highest accolade just like most American mother's do. Her humble spirit is so refreshing, yet people attack her at every turn. They misunderstand her confidence, directness, and honesty and view it as aggressiveness. They over look her kind heart and acts of service, even before her husband's presidency, and focus on rumors and outrageous insults. Outside of Hillary Clinton she is one of the most accomplished first lady's in her own right, that ever graced the White House, yet some feel she doesn't belong. Why?

Laura Bush was an educator and made a wonderful first lady. Everyone gave her a chance to make her mark. No one questioned whether she "belonged" as they shouldn't have. All I ask is that we give Michelle Obama the same chance and the same respect because she deserves it too.

Seeing how a regular girl from the south side of Chicago handled the President's first State Dinner with such grace was wonderful. I wonder how well all those critics would  have done under such pressure? What have they done that's so great they feel justified in being so hard on someone else.  Especially somone who has given so much of her life being of service to others. Yes, service! Check her bio before putting her or anybody down. I love what Michelle Obama represents and how she represents me as an American woman. Keep up the good work 1st Lady. There's a whole lot of us out here rooting and praying for you! God bless you and God Bless America.


  1. Enough Said.

  2. I love Michelle Obama. They were talking about how she is such a style icon now. The outfit she had on by JCrew sold out. People like her style because they said it's accessible to everybody. I just didn't realize people really mimicked what someone else did that closely. It's amazing really.

  3. It is amazing. I don't follow a particular person's style. I pick up styles that I like no matter who is wearing it. I like what I like and sometimes it's what's in and sometimes its not. I lean more to classic looks that don't go out of sytle every season. Michelle seems to do her own thing too based on what she likes.
