Tuesday, December 29, 2009

As 2009 Comes to a Close

As 2009 comes to a close I can not help but reflect on the year. This year has truly been a year of transition and change for me and my family. We started the year off with a scare concerning my mother's health, our household changed back from 5 to 3, my husband got a new position at work which resulted in our family's move to a new town, and my little one started preschool. At work, I transitioned off a 2 year long special project and went back to my old team, my company experienced another round of lay offs, and I got a new manager due to restructuring in the department.

There were challenges for most, but it was still a good year. In the end, being blessed with a loving family and great friends always seems to offset anything negative in life to me. I'm looking forward to new horizons in 2010. I want to get a passport (as an adult) in the coming year. I'm just looking forward to the blessings I know God has for me and also to being a blessing to someone else. I am declaring that this is going to be my best year yet! I truly believe that and I pray for the same outcome for all of my family, friends, our President, and America. So when all these things become reality, remember you heard it here first!

God Bless 2010!


  1. Its true 2009 was full of change. I'm sure most of us can offer a laundry list of the good and the bad that this year held. But as the Lord has seen fit to bless me with another day, I feel obligated to enter it with a positive attitude. So Moni, I'm with you. Here's to 2010 and the blessings I count done!

  2. Who-hoo!! Yes, it is done! I love positive people, one of my inspirations!
