Yes we are different but yet we are the same. Both children of God granted grace in Jesus' name.
Yet you look at me and you see less, then I look back at you and know that I’m blessed.
For God knows all his children and he watches from on High. He walks with me when I struggle; he dries my eyes when I cry.
We are all made in his image, black, white, red, and brown. Remember the cross he carried all bloodied through town?
They mocked him, they beat him, they treated HIM as less, those blinded by civil disobedience, self-righteousness and unrest.
Still some hang on to their prejudices, their hatred, and their fear, it is a recipe for disaster from which History makes clear.
So I continue to pray for you, for peace, and God’s love made anew. As the voice of the lamb still echoes,
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.