Friday, December 18, 2009

Daddy's girl

Recently a friend and I were having a conversation surrounding fathers and their significance in our lives. We talked about the term daddy’s girl and what that meant to each of us. Haven’t we all heard the saying “daddy’s girl”. We may have even used the term to describe a friend, ourselves or even our daughters. That saying is more than a term or title. It stands for having a father or father figure in your life that cares about you more than themselves. Having a male parent that you can depend on and whom is there when you need him. He is there both physically and emotionally and not just financially.

What if you are not a daddy’s girl and you have always envied those that wore that label. What if the lack of a father’s love and/or relationship has sent you seeking that feeling of love in all the wrong places? What if you find yourself jumping from one intimate relationship to another looking to fill that void? What if you settle for a male presence in your life that is verbally, emotionally or physically abusive because you don’t think you deserve better? Lack of a father’s love, approval and presence can lead many down these different paths of heartache, headache and destruction.

An absent father is not just an issue with our daughters our sons are also impacted by this plague. Where you may not hear the term “daddy’s boy”, you will be able to identify the sons that have a productive relationship with their fathers. These are the boys that are taught to be responsible, accountable and respectful. These are the boys that are dependable and work hard to take care of themselves and eventually their families.

However not having a relationship with their father can yield the opposite results. He becomes irresponsible, disrespectful and undependable. It becomes a perpetuating cycle, because he then becomes a father that is either absent or a poor example for his own children.

These are challenges that are dealt with all around the U.S. According to the U.S Census Bureau 30% of American households are headed by a single parent, 84% of which are women. Now this does not necessarily mean that the fathers are not present in the child’s life, however it does increase the chances.

I have personally dealt with the challenges and repercussions of an absent father. I did however, have a stepfather present in the house so there was a male presence. This is more than many have, nonetheless it does not always result in a connection or father daughter relationship. I was however eventually able to connect with a Father that is greater than none other. He has given me the love that no earthly father could ever give. This is my Heavenly Father. He has been that shoulder to cry on in the middle of the night when my heart had been broken. He is the call I would make when my money ran out before my month. He is the one that tells me that I am beautifully and wonderfully made. So I guess I have become a "Daddy's Girl" after all.

In addition to being there for me, my Heavenly Father has helped me with raising my sons. Along with 30% of Americans I have faced the challenges of raising my children with the absence of one parent. For a few years I raised two young men without the presence of a male in the household, instilling responsibility, accountability and dependability in the threads of their being. It was challenging, however I have depended on my heavenly Father. He has been there helping and holding me the entire time. Giving me patience, joy, love and most of all peace. He eventually blessed me with a husband that has been a strong positive example for the boys. In addition, he opened their father's eyes to see the importance of being physically and emotionally present.

God will be that additional parent. He will be your Father, your husband, a Father for your children, your strength and your joy! You just have to open your heart, mind and soul and He will be there.

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